About conference


In 1947 r. The Faculty of Dentistry at The Akademia Lekarska in Gdansk was brought to life. Later, in 1950, it was renamed to the Subfaculty of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine.
In a thirty-page brochure „Akademia Lekarska w Gdańsku. Skład osobowy w roku akademickim 1947/48”, on page 17, there was a remark:
„The Faculty of Dentistry (in organisation)”. Not until the next edition „The personnel…” for the academic year 1948/49, were there more information.
The Head of the Faculty was prof. Witold Sylwanowicz, the personnel included prof. Stanisław Hiller, prof. Fryderyk Pautsch and prof. Ignacy Adamczewski, as well as Stanisław Bloch – as the cited brochure informs: „lek. dent., the deputy of the prosthodontics’ professor .”
Seventy years have passed since the described events.

Dentistry in Gdansk jubilates seven decades of its existence.

Since 1947, we have observed rapid development of treatment methods in dentistry.
However, in everyday life, always being in rush, we do not always allow ourselves to contemplate these changes, the past and the present.